welcome to my site

 Many years ago, I was approached by a stranger at a cocktail party with the inevitable question, “what do you do?” When I replied that I was a writer, currently working on my memoirs, her eyes grew wide. “Wow!” she exclaimed, “you must be somebody important! I don’t have a life I could write about.” Her comment was momentarily unsettling, but embracing the philosophy that everyone has a life that’s important, I went on to complete my story of an ordinary little kid growing up in Calgary in the ’40s and ’50s — the best of times. The House With The Light On—A native Calgarian returns to the forties and fifties—days of unlocked doors and carefree adventure, went on to become a local bestseller. 
On May 1, 2009, I released my second book — the next chapter in my life. I’m happy to report that within three months of its release, Guardians of the Lamp, The Calgary General Hospital and its Nursing School Remembered, landed at the top of Calgary’s non-fiction bestseller list, a ranking it maintained for seven consecutive weeks. Since then, it has crept up and down (and off and on) the list a further forty-two weeks, reaching the #1 ranking thirteen more times. The tally to date (April 2, 2011):
      — Forty-nine Weeks a Bestseller — Twenty Weeks #1—
    Simone Lee, proprietor of “Pages Books On Kensington,” during a guest spot on CBC’s Wildrose Country, December 21, 2009, stated, “There’s a phenomenon happening in Calgary this year, with a book called “Guardians of the Lamp.” It’s author, Eleanor King Byers, has outsold Margaret Atwood...”
    my writing partner:
        Not to be outdone, Sadie the cat has been trying her paw at writing her memoirs. Although I always champion a fellow writer, I can’t say that I’m excited about Sadie horning in on my computer. I may have to spring for a used iPad. 

I think I did pretty well considering I started out with nothing but a bunch of blank paper.
      ... Steve Martin
Eleanor King Byers, author: